Mashrou’ Leila crowd-funding their third album Raasuk

I love Mashrou’ Leila. Even though I sometimes find it hard to understand the lyrics coming out of Hamed’s mouth but I just love their music.

Mashrou’ Leila are now about to release their third album titled “Raasuk”, but they’re not willing to sign a contract with any of the existing production companies in order not to make any compromises over their music, so they’re seeking help from their fans in order to raise at least $66,000 to design beautiful album art, print CDs, posters, flyers, make quality video clips, and play concerts with quality sound systems.

If you feel like helping them out, head over to Zoomaal and donate whatever amount you want. For any contribution above $5, you will earn a reward from the band ranging from a public thank you on their website to a private concert party on Skype and a dinner cooked by themselves.


Minister Hassan Diab: A clear case of megalomania

Looks like minister Hassan Diab felt a bit jealous from Gebran Bassil and decided to create his own book to enlist his “achievements” at the ministry over the past two years. But this time, it isn’t a comic book, it actually a giant one with over 1000 pages! That’s like two pages for every day he spent at the ministry.

Now I feel like releasing a book too, because I didn’t make any notable achievement over the past two years as well!


The NBA All-Stars Exhibition at Geek Express

nba all stars

If you’re an NBA fan then you’ll definitely be interested in this NBA All-Stars Exhibition at Geek Express.

The exhibition will showcase over 500 signed collectible cards, jerseys, actions figures, shoes, and basketballs that are all provided by Ramzi Traboulsi.

For more information, check this Facebook event, it starts tomorrow at 7:30PM.


Nadim Gemayel, Nasawiya, and the sick degree of followership

If this video is a proof of something, it would be that all politician are equal in being corrupt and believing they’re above the law.

This is actually the same Nadim Gemayel who always complains about the militia-like behavior of Hezbollah, now giving silly excuses and justifying their actions. The people at Nasawiya might have started the whole thing after chanting against all MPs when they knew Nadim Gemayel was in the area, but that definitely doesn’t give the bodyguards the right to abuse their power.

But to be honest, I wasn’t surprised by the whole incident, I mean what do you expect from Lebanese people in power? What surprised me the most were those people on social media and blogs who were actually defending Nadim Gemayel and calling to take the incident more lightly, just because they support him or his political view. What degree of followership are these people exercising?


Gold prospecting is illegal in Lebanon?


I never knew gold prospecting is actually illegal in Lebanon until I came across this piece of news by the National News Agency! Anyone knows the reason for that?

وطنية – اعلنت المديرية العامة لقوى الامن الداخلي في بيان انه “ضمن إطار مهامها في مجال حفظ الأمن والنظام ومكافحة الجريمة بمختلف أنواعها، تمكنت قطعات قوى الأمن الداخلي بتاريخ 26/06/2013 من توقيف 58 شخصا لإرتكابهم أفعالاً جرمية على الأراضي اللبنانية كافة، بينهم: 8 بجرائم سرقة، 7 بجرم تنقيب على ذهب، 5 بجرم إطلاق نار، 4 بجرائم مخدرات، 4 بجرم إقامة غير مشروعة، 4 بجرم ضرب وايذاء، 3 بجرم عدم حيازة أوراق ثبوتية، 3 بجرم لوحة مزورة، 2 بجرم سرقة هواتف، 2 بجرم شيك دون رصيد، 8 بجرائم : إحتيال، معاملة بشدة، عدم دفع نفقة، محاولة قتل، طعن بسكين، حيازة أسلحة، تسبب بوفاة، مقاومة رجال الأمن، و8 مطلوبين للقضاء بموجب مذكرات وأحكام عدلية مختلفة.

via Mahmoud Ghazayel


The greatest Chi.N.N episode so far

If you haven’t watched Chi.N.N latest episode yet then make sure to do so now. 30 Minutes is all it took for Salam Zaatari to tell the sad truth about Lebanon nowadays.


Charles Ayoub begs Bashar Al-Assad for money


I’m not sure what Charles Ayoub has been smoking lately, but it sure seems like good stuff. The man wrote an article literally begging the Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad to lend him $700,000 since his newspaper (Addiyar) is going through a financial crisis, otherwise he’ll have to act against his father’s will and sell his house!

You can read the whole article here.


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