Tag Archives | flashmob

A proposal flashmob at Beirut Souks

This video was made back in November but didn’t go viral probably because it didn’t have the best dance out there… still, the smile on the girl’s face was definitely priceless!


Amusing flash mob at Beirut Airport

Two friends of mine just shared this video on Facebook! Looks like some of Beirut airport staff performed on March 5th 2011 a dabke dance inside the airport premises to the rythm of a Houwwara song, and it turned out pretty cool!

I have no idea why did they do it, but I loved how people of all ages were participating, kudos!

Here’s another video, shot on March 4th, of a rehearsal for the dance. According to Biba from +961’s page on Facebook, the dance was done for an ad for Beirut Duty Free.


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