Tag Archives | hawa chicken

Not Every Occasion Calls for Witty Slogans

It was cool around 2009 and 2010 when Almaza used to advertise witty phrases and taglines on holidays and special occasions, but it became really annoying nowadays with every single brand in the Lebanese market attempt to do the same. To be fair some are coming up with creative stuff, but the majority end up appearing like an assignment done at the last minute.

Below are some example (read disasters*) that were done on the occasion of Army Day last week and did absolutely nothing to convince me spend a lira on the advertised goods.


Hawa Chicken caught in the act

I just came across this photo by Cheyef 7alak of raw chicken parts spilled on the road from a truck belonging to Hawa Chicken, with a worker apparently trying to put everything back into the plastic containers.

Notice how messy the inside of the truck also looks. Anyway, one can only hope these parts didn’t end up getting sold to Hawa Chicken’s customers!


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