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Pierre and Friends among the world’s most awesome beach bars


All women stalk listed Pierre and Friends, which is one of the main attractions in Batroun, as one of the most awesome beach bars in the world.

You know those times when you just want simplicity, no frills, just great drinks and great company in a great setting? Well, then it’s time for Pierre and Friends, one of the most unassuming beach bars in the world. It’s not flashy and it doesn’t rock with the latest tunes, nor do the beautiful and good gather here. But Pierre and Friends occupies a darling little strip of pebbly beach between Byblos and Batroun (closer to Batroun than Byblos). There’s no pretension here, so grab your favorite tipple and settle down to enjoy the company and the endless views of the sparkling Mediterranean Sea.

You can check the full list here.

via @LeSoupi


Roadster diner’s new burger – Route 66

So I went to Roadster diner on Friday to try out their new Route 66 burger and totally loved it!


Basically the first thing you’ll notice is how thick the new patty is compared to their other burgers (even thicker than the diner-mites’ 220g patties), as well as the new potato dippers that no other diner serves I guess.

You will learn why the Route 66 stands out among the other burgers as soon as you have your first bite. The patty being cooked to medium is so juicy and goes well with the cheddar cheese while at the same time not being overshadowed by the other ingredients. Moreover, and despite being served with a thick patty, the best thing about the Route 66 has to be that it holds well together and the ingredients don’t easily escape out of the bun.

The potato dippers on the other hand tasted pretty good as well and I hope Roadster will be offering the option of serving them with the other burgers as well.


There’s only one thing I wish the waiters would do though, which is to tell clients beforehand that the patty will be cooked to medium since some pregnant women might have a problem with that. I also wish the potato dippers portion was bigger because one can never have enough of those!


Roadster Diner launching a new burger: Route 66

To celebrate their 15th anniversary, it came to my knowledge that Roadster Diner will be launching a new burger called Route 66. So I asked the cool people at Roadster about it and was informed it will be made out of 250g of American prime beef, lettuce, melted cheddar cheese, sweet red onion, fresh tomato, pickles, and the new R 66 sauce.

I also got the below photo of it (click to enlarge) which shows that Route 66 will be served with the usual coleslaw salad, in addition to crunchy potato dipper and a sour herbs special dip for a change.

rd route 66

I personally haven’t had a burger since Ramadan started, and the Route 66 seems like a good one to have after Eid!


A new Solidere in the making?

Adjacent to downtown Beirut is a small area called “Khanda2 el Ghami2”, and if you happened to pass by it someday, you can’t but notice the many abandoned buildings there. Once street in fact, the Tayyan street which is pretty close to Beirut Digital District, looks deserted with many vacant buildings. And what’s weirder is that there isn’t a single construction site there even though we all know there’s always a high demand for Land in Beirut.


Upon asking around a bit, one trusted source told me there’s a real estate company that is slowly purchasing every single building in Khanda2 el Ghami2 (the area enclosed in red), and have so far purchased many of the buildings you see in the picture above, in order to later demolish them all and reconstruct the whole area to make way for commercial spaces, residential towers, etc… and thus making it quite similar to what Solidere looks like.

Not that I oppose the idea, since the company isn’t doing anything illegal and is actually offering good money to the owners, but if would be interesting to learn more about this project. So if you have any information about it, please do share it in the comments.

khanda2 el ghami2


Kaak kaak!

To my knowledge, there’s some order to all security forces forbidding them from using small motorbikes when wearing their uniform, to stop giving a bad image about them to the society. It’s about time it gets enforced because this guy is taking it a bit further!

Darak kaak

via WTF! Only in Lebanon


Golden owl spotted in Tyre


Following the dolphins that were spotted near Jounieh few months ago, and the seal lion in Tyre last week, workers in Hiram Hospital spotted four golden owls in the hospital’s garden today.

Workers in Hiram Hospital were surprised to spot on Thursday four golden owls in the hospital’s garden in Tyre, noting that this kind of bird is uncommon to the country’s wildlife.

A Golden owl is characterized with far vision, particularly in low light, and is dubbed “cleaner of the environment” and “farmer-friendly” since this bird feeds on rats and insects.

According to some experts, the aforementioned species are coming to Lebanon due to climate change since this phenomenon has a significant direct effect on animals. Source

I wonder what’s coming next!


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