Tag Archives | secterian

Civil marriage in Lebanon: Walking the talk

civil marriage

So talks about legalizing civil marriage in Lebanon have been ongoing for like a month now since several news outlets reported on the couple, Nidal Darwish and Khouloud Succariyeh, who practiced civil marriage in Lebanon after striking out the mention of their sects from their IDs and getting the necessary paperwork done.

But are we ever going to witness civil marriage being legalized in Lebanon? Or are our politicians just trying to make electoral gains in the upcoming elections by showing support to it? Michael Sleiman, Saad Hariri and many others have made it clear that they do support passing a law for optional civil marriage. But it takes a real politician to walk the talk.

I mean does it take politicians who lead significant parliamentary blocks and are for legalizing the civil marriage too much to put their words to actions? If I were Hariri for example, I would have led a movement to legalize the practice and take all the credits for it! Unless our politicians are just bluffing, and in that case maybe we should just tell them khlosna ba2a!


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