Assalam party

I found this photo in the spam folder of my e-mail today. It was sent by ePublicities, a company that has been spamming us (the Lebanese) for so long now, and the subject was “Me. Roger Edde chez le Patriarche” (Me.? Ah you mean Mr.).

The e-mail itself is weird, I mean never have I received an e-mail titled “Nasrallah threatening Israel” with a summary of one of his speeches inside… Roger Edde must be really desperate for the people to know about him and is aware that he is very un-popular, so he chose to hire some company to broadcast his news. Mni7a! I wonder if some candidates for the next election will be adopting the same “strategy” to reach us.

The logo of Mr. Edde’s party is nice by the way, 7ameimeh w 2osas… but one can also read it as “Assila7”, notice how the “M” is written.

Anyway, Assalam 3ala heik party!


Rockets fired to Israel

Today morning an e-mail was sent to Israel including 4 attachment and signed by “Anonymous”, the Lebanese people and Hezbollah were copied on that e-mail in order for them to know about the ongoing communication.

I wonder if Israel will be doing a “Reply to all” as it did in July 2006, or if it will just reply to the original sender.

By tonight we will have an answer I think. W minshoufkon.


Ready, set, die! For employees only.

I rarely play games, especially on Facebook. But one of my work colleagues begged me to try a game yesterday, it’s about a salary man (mitleh w mitikon!) that has to find his way to… death!

Simple and realistic, don’t you agree?

The game consists of 50 levels and as you progress the stages get trickier, there are several objects you can use to kill yourself, and in later stages the game will even break it’s own rules to surprise you.

Give it a try, I originally played it on Facebook but you later found other links to it.

Facebook link:
Alternative link:

Let me know if you’re finding difficulty with tricky levels, and I’ll post a walkthrough for the game.

This post was inspired by the fact that I took a day off today for MYSELF, but spent the whole day in front of my laptop doing silly stupid tasks, that appeared out of no where, remotely for work!!!!

Do you think my boss will be reading this? I wonder…


961 Beer

Check what I found in the supermarket yesterday!

I don’t know for how long it has been around, but I like it, 961 Beer! Here’s their website,  it looks like theyre related to the “961 Beer” bar in Gemmayze which I don’t know if it is still open or not…

Drink Lebanon, but drive safely!


Happy New Year!!

It’s that time of the year again… 🙂 Happy new year everybody wherever you are! I know more than half of you are celebrating it either in Faraya or in Faqra! This is where most of the Lebanese tell you they will be spending their eve at, no? 😀

Tayib anyway! I leave with you with this great song by ABBA, see you in 2009.


Gaza is burning

While the Arabs are still arguing if Hamas has the right to resist the Israeli occupation or not, Ghaza is burning.

This is nothing less than a mass murder… no it’s not war.


Merry Christmas

I liked to wish you a merry Christmas with this photo I took of the dazzling Christmas tree decorating Beirut downtown.

So, Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂


… then I got suspended!

Once again my website went down… This time it was because my web host thought I am abusing their service through (now inactive)… so they suspended my account!

Anyway, here I am, online again. و لن يستطيعوا إسكات الصوت الحرّ، لول


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