Tag Archives | advertisment

Stolichnaya and the girl in the bathtub

I was heading towards Gemmayze last Friday when I came across this red truck. Everything appeared normal from a distance until I got closure, there was a bathtub in that truck with a girl sitting inside and apparently enjoying it, at least her seductive legs movement said so!

Stolichnaya Gemmayze 1

Stolichnaya Gemmayze

The whole thing turned out to be a promotion for Stolichnaya’s Stoli Gala Apple, which explained the use of a girl (eve) enjoying the forbidden fruit (an apple), it is just the bathtub that I couldn’t explain!

Anyway I think it was nice, although some people might claim Stolichnaya crossed the line, but you should have seen the traffic around the truck, they definitely succeeded in grabbing the passengers’ attention. Another proof that sex sells!


In addition to the two photos I took above, I found these photos on twitter from @fadisabbagha. (Special thanks to @MayaZankoul)

Stolychnaya Gemmayze 3

Stolichnaya Gemmayze 2


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