Tag Archives | beluga caviar

You don’t see this everyday

I was going through the Pool Cafe menu at Grand Hills Broummana when I couldn’t but notice that one of the appetizers platters was highly priced at 1,575,000 L.L! (around $1,050)

The platter turned out to be 50 grams of Beluga Caviar, the wold’s most expensive type of caviar (God bless Google who knows everything!), which currently retails here for ~$9,300 per kilogram.

According to Google, the lighter the color of this caviar, the more expensive it is. The most expensive is called “Almas” (means Diamond in Arabic) because of its white appearance, which is extremely rare and comes from Iran.

So, now you know where to treat yourself with a luxury appetizer in Lebanon that costs a bit more than a month worth of salary for a fresh graduate engineer!


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