Tag Archives | cars

Cheyef 7alak strikes again

Once again, Cheyef 7alak exposes another character we all see every day.

Still, I believe a campaign like Cheyef 7alak is not enough to get such scumbags to change. The extremist in me thinks these people should be shot dead, that’s how much they irritate me.


Mounting the same license plate on two different cars

These two photos, taken by Mr. Mohamad Machnouk at the same time and in the same parking lot, show different cars with identical license plates. As the plates color shows, these two cars seem to be owned by some Lebanese judge. Talk about abuse of authority!


Cheyef 7alak – Honoring Lebanese douchebag drivers

LBC International started a cool new website called “Cheyef 7alak” aimed to track irresponsible drivers. The idea behind the initiative is very simple, whenever you spot some bad driver/biker/pedestrian, take a photo of him/her and upload it to their website or Facebook page, and leave it to them to publish it and give those douchebags the attention they’re seeking!

Given the quality of our driving here, including myself (yeah I won’t pretend I’m the prefect driver here), I’m afraid they’ll get overloaded with photos very soon!


Woosh it at City Mall

Have you noticed these new signs at the City Mall parking area?

It seems like you’ll soon be able to have your car washed at any parking spot in City Mall since the service buttons are available everywhere.

I just hope their pricing will not be ridiculous, I usually get my car washed for 5,000L.L at almost any gas station and I honestly am not ready to pay more no matter how eco-friendly their washing process is.

Woosh by the way claims to be the first eco-friendly car care provider in Lebanon, and they clean cars through the use of special waterless products.


According to Joe who tried the service at City Mall, a car wash will cost you 12,000 L.L.

the first eco-friendly car care provider in Lebanon


We love Mercedes Benz and we like them white

Mireille, probably the geekiest blogger in Lebanon, made two interesting charts showing the most popular car brands and colors in Lebanon, most probably by making use of the Lebanese cars database that was leaked earlier.

The most popular brand unsurprisingly turned to be Mercedes Benz with 22% (mostly taxis?), while the most popular color turned to be white with 19%.

What was really interesting to know though is that 57% of the Lebanese cars are more than 20 years old, and 83% are more than 11 years old! Tells a lot about our purchasing power…


Lebanon Motor Show 2010 – The Photos

Few days ago I posted about the Lebanon Motor Show which is held at BIEL, downtown Beirut. So today is time to publish some photos from my visit!

I went there on Sunday evening, and there was a huge traffic on the entrance! So I advice you to go on weekdays, just don’t wait till the weekend (it ends on April 18th) because I’m sure it will be very crowded.

The show has 4 halls, 2 for showing cars, 1 for banks (where you can get good deal until the show ends), and 1 for car accessories. Overall it was nice and I recommend that you go check it out.

I leave you now with the photos I got, be careful if you’re a faint-hearted!


Lebanon Motor Show 2010

Photo via Exoleb

Make sure not to miss Lebanon Motor Show 2010 from the 8th till the 18th of April at Biel Downtown Beirut.

According to Promofair the organizer of this event, the number of visitors will be around 150,000 and exhibitors will vary from car importers to banks, insurance companies, and car accessories.

I’m definitely going there in the next few days and will hopefully get back to you with some cool photos.

UPDATE (04/13/2010):

I just posted photos from the show on this link.


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