Tag Archives | dearborn

Meet Simon Baz, the first Lebanese-American superhero

Geoff Johns, a comic book writer of Lebanese roots, has recently created a new character called “Simon Baz” who’s a young Lebanese-American guy living in Dearborn, Detroit (the area where a lot of Lebanese immigrants to the US live in) who once became a car thief after losing his job because of the financial crisis but ends up stealing the wrong car. Then, and out of nowhere, he is unexpectedly called to join the universe’s galactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corps, and he eventually converts from being a criminal into a crime fighter.

You can read more about Simon Baz and how was he created here and here. And notice the Arabic tattoo on his right arm meaning “courage”.


The Ed and Moe show

I just found this funny web series called “Ed and Moe show” portraying the life of two best friends who left their jobs and started planning to become successful businessmen.

It gets interesting knowing that Moe (Moe Makki) is actually of Lebanese origins, and living in Dearborn right in the middle of what is known as “Little Lebanon” in USA.

They have a complete season on their website right now. I wonder if there will be a second one soon.


Rima Fakih arrested for drunk driving

Rima Fakih


The former Miss USA, Lebanese immigrant Rima Fakih, was arrested for drunk driving over the weekend, according to local media in Dearborn, Michigan.

She was detained until Sunday afternoon, the paper added. Fakih initially denied she had been arrested on Twitter, saying “Let’s clear things up now … I’m NOT in Michigan and I’m NOT in jail! Wrong Fakih.”


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