Tag Archives | drama

Lebanese Mir-Jean Bou Chaaya to Direct Netflix First Arabic Original Series

Netflix recently announced it is launching its first Arabic original series titled “Jinn”, which will be directed by Lebanese Mir-Jean Bou Chaaya (best known for Very Big Shot) and written by Jordanian Bassed Ghandour who scripted the Oscar-nominated Theeb.

Fortunately for us, Jinn is neither a Lebanese drama nor Bab El Hara kind of series. On the other hand, it is supernatural thriller that tell the story of teenagers who discover a genie (Jinn in Arabic) in the ancient Jordanian city of Petra.

Filming should start towards the end of the year with a cast from several countries around the Middle East and it should be available for streaming somewhere around 2019. You can read more details about it here.


Lebanese Drama Series – Facial Expressions 101


Lebanese drama series are basically known for the exaggeration in absolutely everything! From make up and hair design to sophisticated emotions and weird reactions that seem like they’re forced on the actors. And now just when you thought no one can get cheesier than Peter Semaan and Youssef El-Khal came Rami Ayach!

Blame it all on whoever convinced him he has what it takes to be an actor! I spotted him on LBC last night and his performance is horrible beyond words. These photos are all taken from a single scene where he was supposedly angry at the girl he loves. What’s the deal with all those weird facial expressions?!







Yeah… this is basically how he’s conveying anger, this also serves as a reminder for me to keep switching channels every time I bump into some Lebanese series on TV!


Fasateen – Lebanese web drama series

Fasateen (Dresses) follows the lives of three very different Beiruti women. Meet Aliya, a single mother; Lama, the bored, flirtatious housewife to a rich husband; and Karma, a single career woman with a secret. Fasateen – because life isn’t a dress rehearsal.

You can follow Fasateen here on Yahoo! Screen. News episodes are released on Tuesdays, with 2 alternative endings on Thursdays.


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