Tag Archives | drugs

Lebanon’s Pablo Escobar is Making Rounds on TV Stations

nouh zaiter

Noah Zaiter, the infamous drug lord living in Bekaa, has for some reason started to make rounds on Lebanese TV stations the same way you see some singers moving from one show to another over a short period of time. A  few days ago he was interviewed by one of Tele Liban’s comic shows, and he’s also set to appear on Aljadeed next week with the super dramatic Tammam Bleik.

The guy can seriously be compared to Colombia’s Pablo Escobar as he claims to be helping the poor people out of the drug money he earns. I’m not sure though about the messages he’s trying to deliver through his appearances now…!

What puzzles me the most however  is that TV stations can easily reach Noah Zaiter for interviews while the Lebanese authorities will probably never be able to arrest him.


Bullshot powder

Sniffing powder to get an energy boost? That’s the ultimate “faseid”!!

bullshot powder

Whoever thought of importing this to Lebanon is a corrupt mind. It simply makes it easy on drug addicts to practice their “tizyii7” habits publicly while pretending it’s the Bullshot powder!


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