Tag Archives | football

Overdoing the World Cup 2010 – IV

Remember the World Cup manakish? One of my friends sent me the following pictures he found on Facebook of the bakery that is making those manakish. It is located in Haret Hreik.

World cup 2010 flags 4

World cup 2010 flags

World cup 2010 flags 5

World cup 2010 flags 3

World cup 2010 flags 2

World cup 2010 flags 1

Now I know where to get a dozen of Germany manakish from as soon as Brazil loses and gets out of the race! 😛


Overdoing the World Cup 2010 – III

Looks like someone woke up early today and thought of reworking the traditional Lebanese Manakish to turn them into World Cup Manakish!! (apparently through food coloring substances).

Wi7de jibneh 3a Almanya m3allim!

Manakish Worldcup

Photo via Tayyar.org


Overdoing the World Cup 2010 – II

I was in Tripoli last Saturday on the way to El-Mina when I spotted this building covered with German flags on all sides! And obviously that fanatic supporter Rabah Assafiri is so proud of himself that he’s even displaying his name on a flag for Bayern Munich… probably to get attention? He got mine at least.

Tripoli building

There’s probably more flags on this building than on Berlin’s presidential palace!

Tripoli building 1


Overdoing the World Cup 2010

The world cup is kicking off in less than a month and lot of people are getting those mini flags for their cars and balconies, it might seem silly but it’s cool as long as it makes people deviate a bit from the political discussions.

Still, it really is pathetic when you get a flag that is more than 1 meter in width or length! I’m pretty sure you could have put that spent money for a better use! Probably to fix your screeching brakes?

Germany Flag 1

Italy Flag 1

I took the first photo in Jdeideh, while I got the second via one of my Facebook friends.


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