Tag Archives | government

16 Governmental websites hacked today

Looks like the hack of 4 governmental websites last month was just a warm up. A group called RYV (Raise Your Voice) hacked 16 other websites today morning and left a message asking the government to solve its self-made problems, and encouraging the people to mobilize and stand up for their demands. You can check the full list  of websites here on Pastebin.

“We are RYV, short for Raise Your Voice, and we are simply a group of people who could not bear sitting in silence, watching all the crimes and injustice going on in Lebanon,” the group said.

It vowed to continue hacking the sites until the Lebanese people earn the rights they are asking for and until living standards are improved.

“We will not stop until this government’s self-made problems are solved, like the power shortage, water shortage, rise in gas prices and rise in food product prices,” the group said.

“We are RYV, expect us to break the silence, whether in the streets or on the Internet,” it said, stressing that “silence is a crime.” Source

The message of course speaks our minds (except that nobody is probably ready to mobilize), but I’m not sure how well was that message grasped by our dear politicians!

You can stay up to date with RYV’s latest news through their twitter and Facebook accounts.


Free internet quota at night for everyone?

Minister Nicolas Sehnaoui announced on twitter yesterday that unlimited internet quota from 12AM to 7AM has been approved by the government and will be activated as soon as the decision is published in the official gazette.

Some ISPs already have the unlimited night traffic offered to some of there users depending to which telephone exchange office they’re connected. My parents subscription with IDM in Beirut for example gets double the speed and unlimited traffic at night, while my IDM subscription in Aramoun doesn’t because they claim it didn’t pass some “feasibility test” that was performed.

Anyway, I hope it doesn’t take too much time before we get that feature activated for everyone!


The ridiculous increase

The General Labor Confederation (GLC) suspended Wednesday’s planned strike after the Cabinet agreed late Tuesday night to increase the minimum wage to LL700,00 ($466) from the current LL500,000. The government also agreed to increase by LL200,00 the wages of those earning less than LLl million, and by LL300,00 those who earn between LL1 million and LL1.8 million. The agreement also included raising the daily transportation allowance to LL10,000 from LL8,000 while the education allowance for children jumped to a maximum of LL1.5 million.

I’m no economics or finance expert, but I’m gonna go ahead and call this increase ridiculous.

Following which logic did our ministers conclude that people of inferior income should get a smaller increase?! And how is this going to minimize the gap between social classes?

Not to mention that if you earn 1,900,000L.L while your colleague gets 1,700,000L.L, he/she is entitled to an increase while you are not, and will soon be earning more than you do according to the new agreement! Pretty fair eh?!


Today’s weird news

I was reading today’s issue of Annahar newspaper when I came across this weird news:

بعلبك: معاملات نفوس مع النفايات!

بعلبك – “النهار”:
عثر احد افراد قوى الامن الداخلي صباح الاثنين في بعلبك قرب مقام السيدة خولة، داخل احد مستوعبات النفايات على اكياس تحوي اوراقاً ثبوتية من هويات وطلبات تصحيحها ومعاملات ومستندات تابعة لدائرة نفوس بعلبك.
وحضرت القوى الامنية على الفور، وارسلت الاوراق الى وزارة الداخلية وفتح تحقيق لتحديد المسؤوليات.

If you ever lost track of a file at one of the ministries, now you know where it might have ended up!


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