Tag Archives | hatchery

Chicken Hatchery Discovered at Electricité Du Liban 🤦🏻‍♂️

Last week was absolutely full of fucked up news. The cyber crime bureau has been randomly calling people in for investigation over opinions expressed on their social media accounts, Beirut Municipality is planning to go forward with deploying a waste incinerator somewhere around Karantine just like 1st world countries do, and political leaders are meanwhile busy sharing the cake fighting over the government seats.

However, one post on Facebook by journalist Rasha Abou Zaki almost overshadowed all other news (to me at least) as she unveiled a chicken hatchery inside the Electrecité Du Liban headquarters!

As Rasha stated, it is unbelievable how none of the responsibles at EDL knew about it or did anything to stop it, and I believe other governmental institutions are certainly not any better.

Given how chaotic things are in the country we used to always hear people comparing it to a farm, and this shows the government is actually living up to that reputation!


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