Tag Archives | movie

Nadine Labaki’s upcoming movie “W halla’ lawein?”

Nadine Labaki’s second movie “W halla’ lawein?” (Where do we go now?) is set to be released next month. You can watch a short preview of it and an interview with Nadine at BBC News.

The director-actor says she drew inspiration for the film, her second, from the events of May 2008 when violence in the streets gave rise to fears of a possible civil war.

The women of the movie are driven to consider all kinds of measures to try to stop the men in their lives picking up a weapon and joining the violence.

I like her first movie Caramel back in 2007, and I guess I’ll be watching this one as well.


Sorry Mom – A Lebanese thriller

A Lebanese thriller is soon coming to a theater near you!

The feature tells the story of a severely traumatized woman, after her husband was killed and her son kidnapped. 4 years has passed and her son Fadi is still lost.

Revenge has its own bitter taste and can easily turn into a vicious circle…

“Sorry Mom” is the first installment of a series of thrillers that are expected to be released in the near future.

I usually like to go watch Lebanese movies but several ones ended up as a big disappointment like “Falafel”. Let’s see how good will this one be with all the killing, sex, kidnapping, and betrayal it promises.

Sorry Mom will be released on June 9th.


Giveaway: 6 tickets to watch The Losers premiere


Thanks to CineKlik.com for sponsoring it once again, +961 is holding a second giveaway! This time CineKlik were generous enough to grant me 6 tickets for “The Losers” premiere next Wendesday June 23rd. So this time we will have 3 winners instead of 1, and each one will get 2 tickets.

Entering the draw is pretty easy, all you have to do is to leave a comment on this post and click the Facebook Like button on the top.

Three lucky readers will be chosen at random on Tuesday night and announced in a separate post, they will also be contacted via e-mail to be informed on how to claim their tickets (so make sure you’re using a valid e-mail when commenting).

Update (June 22nd 2010, 10:01PM):

Comments are closed, will publish the name of the winners in a while.

Giveaway: 2 tickets to watch The Runaways premiere


Thanks to CineKlik for making it possible, +961 is now holding its first giveaway consisting of 2 tickets to watch “The Runaways” premiere which will be  screened at Grand Concorde Verdun on Wednesday May 26th at 10:00PM.

Entering the draw is pretty easy, all you have to do is to leave a comment on this post and click the Facebook Like button on the top.

A lucky reader will be chosen at random on Tuesday night and announced in a separate post, he/she will also be contacted via e-mail to be informed on how to claim the tickets from Grand Concorde on Wednesday night (so make sure you’re using a valid e-mail when commenting).

Update (May 25th 2010, 10:14PM):

Comments are closed, will publish the name of the winner in a while.

Hitler finds out Michael Jackson has died!

A friend of mine sent me this helarious video today. Hitlet gets pissed off to hear that Michael Jackson has died and won’t be able to perform at his birthday party!

The scene is orginally from the “Downfall” movie produced in 2004 about his final days in his Berlin bunker at the end of World War II. There are several similar movies like the above, one being about banning him from Xbox live along with his gamescore and Microsoft point! You can check it here.


“Help” deserved the ban! – Movie review

Do you recall all the fuss that was made over the ban of Marc Abi Rached’s movie titled “Help”? (In which I have contributed!!)


Well, few days ago I was surprised to know that the movie is now being sold at the DVD stores in Beirut! So I went to Bourj Hammoud and bought it for 1,000 L.L ($0.66), though I am against getting illegal copies of Lebanese movies prior watching them in the theaters because I believe the Lebanese producers and directors should at least get support from the Lebanese audience.

Anyway, let’s move to watching the movie… just as the movie started playing, the license number obtained from the general security of Lebanon appeared, so I assume this copy is the one that was supposed to be shown in the theaters, and for some reason someone from within the general security decided to leak it out, and the result is of course Marc Abi Rached ending up being screwed twice! (banning it + leaking it)

The whole movie is a chaos, and the chaos lasts for around 1 hour and 15 minutes, it’s about a prostitute names “Thuraya” who is being tracked by a some business man to kill her but at the end gets saved by a teenager named “Ali”. And no they don’t get married at the end.

I think paying 10,000 L.L to watch “Help” in the cinema would have been a total waste of time and money. The story doesn’t make sense at all which made the movie more like an amateur x-rated video where a group of people got together just to show up naked, if the movie was just 5 minutes longer we could have seen Marc Abi Rached himself getting naked for the camera!!

It’s a cheap movie, or less than that, “akel hawa” maybe, and it definitely deserved to be banned.


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