Tag Archives | peace of mind

“Matchbox” Short Movie by Chadi Younis

It boggles my mind how the social media scene works in Lebanon sometimes. A hint of Myriam Klink’s boob gets everyone and their mother talking about it, while this short movie barely gets any mention on the blogs.

BLOM Bank recently produced a series of 4 short movies revolving around the “peace of mind” theme (the bank’s slogan). So far two have been released, one by Philippe Aractingi about a Lebanese immigrant who returned to his homeland to follow his passion, and another by Chadi Younis about a little kid who had to let of his toy cars while escaping the Lebanese civil war. The latter honestly shook me to the core and totally won my heart with Samara Nohra’s performance, I highly recommend you watch it.

Two more videos by Leila Kanaan and Jad Aouad should also be released over the next few weeks on BLOM’s Youtube channel.


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