Tag Archives | shoes

Giveaway Day 5 – Superga Classic 2750 Sneakers

Today’s giveaway is presented by Superga, one of my favorite shoe brands in town. My friends there are generously providing a pair of sneakers from the Superga Classic 2750 collection (image below) and you get to choose the color you desire. Aside from their trendy designs, what I love about Superga is how comfy they are. I know this is the least you should get from a pair of sneakers but they’re seriously super comfortable. I bought a pair last year before going on a trip and they got me through full days of walking and sightseeing.

Few weeks ago they released a cool new model, the Superga Sport Lendl, in honor of the world tennis legend Ivan Lendl. The white ones have a color part of the back with Lendl’s signature in gold and I’m honestly having a hard time resisting getting one!

Anyway, to qualify for the draw, go to +961’s page on Facebook, like the giveaway post and tag your friends in a comment. A winner will be randomly chosen and announced tomorrow morning, and I will message him/her for instructions on how to claim his/her pair of sneakers.


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