Tag Archives | truck drivers

Terrible traffic at Ouzai this morning

ouzai traffic jam

Earlier this month, minister Marwan Charbel imposed a new traffic plan on truck drivers to keep them from driving during rush hours in order to reduce congestion on the main roads.

The drivers eventually didn’t like this plan, so they started complaining about it in the media until they decided to go on a protest today. And being the geniuses they are, they didn’t do that in front of the ministry of interior or any other reasonable place, on the other hand, they simply decided to block the Ouzai highway which is used by thousands everyday to reach Beirut, which made people wait for like an hour or two in their cars this morning! I know because I was one of them.

Police officers were as usual just watching the protestors, and not daring to speak a word with them, while trying to organize the traffic a bit.

Balad mat3oub 3leih!


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