Tag Archives | us dollars

Mobile Operators Now Obliged by Court Order to Price Their Services in Lebanese Lira

Beirut’s Court of First Instance, headed by Judge Zulfa Al-Hassan, issued a temporary decision today obliging Alfa and Touch to issue their bills and price all their services (including recharge cards) for the next three months in Lebanese Lira according to the official dollar exchange rate.

This should basically make subscribers’ lives easier until February 2020, and regulate the price of recharge cards since some dealers were overcharging people by selling the cards at higher exchange rates (1,600 and 1700 instead of 1500). It is a good step indeed, but the best solution in my opinion is to stop linking the prices to US dollars and simply setting the prices in Lebanese Lira to avoid all these conversion problems.

You can check the decision details in the below scans.


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