Tag Archives | wehde

Tania Saleh’s new video is out!

In 1943, a few days before the Lebanese independence got written on paper, “the creators” of Lebanon were scurrying to save a detained president and some of his ministers. Their main objective was to finish with the French
mandate. They had little time to imagine a country and a nation and to bring to life a constitution that served both with civil laws for a civil state.

A Lebanese girl, “Wehde” had an idea. The idea developed a dream and “Wehde” longed for a peaceful country, harmonious with its people from all walks of life from all 18 different sects. “Wehde” survived and her dream remained a dream. Today it has gathered dust over the years but “Wehde” still strolls down the sea shore on a sunny day with all the people waiting like her for a new (true) independent nation to
be born. This album tells her story. (available at www.forwardmusic.net)


Tania Saleh new album launch

Make sure not to miss this one!

Tania Saleh, Lebanese singer – songwriter and Batoota Foundation would like to invite you to the launch of Tania Saleh’s eagerly awaited second studio album “Wehde” along with the music video launch of the album title, at a press conference and CD signing event in Café Im Nazih, Saifi Urban Gardens on Thursday April 21st 2011 from 5 pm to 9 pm.

I’ve been eagerly waiting for Tania’s new album “Wehde” to be released ever since I started hearing news about it one year ago, and just yesterday I got an e-mail about the launching event. Her first album “Tani Saleh” was released in 2002 and remains one of the very few albums that I still play to this day.

And here’s a sneak peek at the upcoming video.


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