Beirut in the top 29 cities to live in

Among the top 29 cities to live in, Beirut was ranked number 19 scoring 80.5/100.

Our formula has ranked the best cities for men – the best cities in which to live, work and party – based on data that includes the number of guaranteed vacation days per year, weather, unemployment rate, new restaurant and club openings, the cost of a Nissan 370Z, and more.

Via BabaGannouj et La Zaytouni

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3 Responses to Beirut in the top 29 cities to live in

  1. Danielle April 22, 2010 at 3:18 pm #

    Hahahahah..the cost of a Nissan

  2. pk April 23, 2010 at 2:02 am #

    umm, yes if you’re a MAN, which is where this survey came from, then this is a great city, apparently. especially since the dating and nightlife score makes Beirut rank so high. Also note that Beirut ranks VERY high on the “clean air” scale. Are they kidding? This must be rated by people used to Beijing air, etc…


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