When will Lebanon have the balls to ban Zein Al-Atat?

A letter from the health authority of Abu Dhabi warning about the misleading publicity and side effects of Zein Al-Atat’s products started circulating by e-mail in the last few weeks. (Document can be downloaded from here)

However, we haven’t seen any legal action being taken in Lebanon against Zein Al-Atat who still insists on torturing us with his TV appearance every day to advertise for his “herbal” products, even though the ministry of health has made several statements claiming that none of the advertised products is licensed. And this means Mr. Zein is definitely backed by some politician giving him the peace of mind while screwing people with the chemicals he’s selling, any other explanation for someone to be more powerful that a ministry?

Anyway, I hope we get a new minister of economy or health with the balls to finally ban Zein El-Atat for good! Oh and if someone from Amanacare or Zein’s other competitors is reading this, you suck too!

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10 Responses to When will Lebanon have the balls to ban Zein Al-Atat?

  1. Bilal January 28, 2011 at 4:58 pm #

    Forget his chemical stuff, they should ban him because he’s annoying!!!

    • Samar January 7, 2015 at 1:08 pm #

      See people in europe countries how they support and love people that rise the name of their countries .. Not like us , in lebanon if we see someone getting famous and working hard we face him and try to stop him ! WAKE UP ! Love love loveee instead of hate ..

  2. zahira January 29, 2011 at 3:10 pm #

    أسلام عليكم أنا زهيرة من المغرب عمري ٢٤ سنة مرضت لما كان عمري ٨ سنين كانت تطلعلي حرارة و شوية حمرا بتبان على وجه ذهبت إلى طبيب عملي تحاليل أبقيت في مستشفى شهرين ونيس كانو يعمل فيا تجارب عطوني دواء تسبب ليا في كتير أمراض متل هشاشة عضام ضغظ عاين حرق جلد نحافة كتيرا كتير أشيا تانية أرجوكم كيف أتواصل معاكم ابعاتلوكوم صوري و تحاليل لكي تشوفوني تعرفه مرض أنا أمالي في الله و فيكم ياريت تساعدني لي أنا أطباء لما قلت لهم هما سبب قالو لا ده مرض بييجي بيبقى طول عمر أنا سمعت خبير زين تكلم على بنت تقريبا نفس مرادي تعالجت ياربي نكون متلها ياربي تجاوبوني والله محتاجة كتير لي خبير زين

  3. Marie-H February 6, 2011 at 10:07 pm #

    I say ‘never’. It’s Lebanon we’re talking about.

  4. majhoul February 7, 2011 at 2:03 am #

    hi all…bade oul kam shaghle…eno kel shi n7aka 3an zein el atat howe kezeb…la eno ana mjarbo w fi ktir 3alam ba3refon jarrabou w la2o natije ktir helwe w ana men hal 3alam ….w ana jarrabtelo kaza dawa mesh dawa wa7ad….amma bel nesbe la hal idi3a2at el 3m tetla3 hayde mojarrad shariket monefse mle2ye eno zein bi2asser 3layha ….yemkin bi ba3ed el edwye fi shi chemical bas eza betla7zo eno bikoun maktoub 3l kartoune eno fi bi albo shi chemical..bas mesh bel tari2a el 3am bihejmou fiha eno howe 3am ykazzeb 3l nes…sarlo 23 sene bel sou2 w kel l3alam mjarbeto law sar shi 3a shi 7ada ken kel l3alam 3eref..so wa2fo kezeb w kel min ydir belo 3a shghlo..w 7aje kel ma tshufe zalame neje7 btejo betbalsho fi teksir..10x

  5. luna sol October 6, 2011 at 11:09 pm #

    Actually the whole Al Atat family is a bunch of crooks, his cousin Samer who lives in Dubai the son of Leila and Ali Hussein is a bisexual prostitute and was in all the Middle -Eastern sites. Pretended to be in love with me for 2 years, got engaged to me, used my money, home and body and after stole my money to marry his cousin Zeina Haidar. I got so sick that I got cancer from suffering of what he did. He also confessed that his mother Leila Atat is in to witchcraft and I am sure she has something to do with my sickness and terrible accident I had in Dubai. She had told him that she would do anything to seperate her only son from a woman who could seperate him from the family because I am Iranian. I have written a book and when it comes out everyone will know these people how they are criminal. I have a few months of life left, I will warn all Lebanon and UAE of not trusting this family.

  6. amina January 11, 2012 at 6:00 pm #

    ana o3ani min anakhala alwardiya hal min dawaa 3indakom chokran

  7. zein August 10, 2012 at 2:51 pm #

    I like what you wrote mr.rami and I totally agree with you.there must be an anti zein publicity and ads to make people using zein’s products wake up.and definitely there will never be a minister with the balls to ban him…you know lebanon…you have money then you can even kill and you’ll get rewarded.btw I love my name but I’m starting to hate it because of this herbal freak…


  1. Tweets that mention When will Lebanon have the balls to ban Zein Al-Atat? | +961 -- Topsy.com - January 28, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rami, Joseph. Joseph said: When will #Lebanon have the balls to ban Zein Al-Atat? http://j.mp/gYKAdD […]

  2. Zain El-Atat is back | +961 - June 11, 2012

    […] in 2011, Abu Dhabi’s health authority accused Zain El-Atat of false advertising and warned about the side effects his products may produce on […]

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