Tag Archives | elections 2009

Sharek 961


Haven’t you heard about Sharek 961 yet?

Sharek 961 is a project where the Lebanese people make the news by sending in reports through several mediums to the website. So wherever you are, you can report to them an electoral incident for example and the news will be displayed on their homepage under “User Feed Stream” along with the geographical location of where the incident has ocurred.

From their About page:

Sharek961 empowers Lebanese citizens to promote transparency by sending in eyewitness reports on all election-related incidents or issues. People across Lebanon can send in reports through SMS, email, and the web.

Sharek961 is intended to improve transparency and accountability through civic participation. Information you send in is made available to all citizens, media outlets, and organizations to view publicly online.

Reaching them to submit a report is so easy, and you can do it via any of the following channels:

  1. Send an e-mail to sharek@sharek961.org
  2. Send an SMS to 71-189118
  3. Send a message on twitter to @sharek961
  4. Fill out this form

I’ll be trying to send them some photos from Beirut on the elections day! How about you?


Follow the Lebanese elections online

Spending all of my time at work in front of a computer, like almost everybody else, I usually follow the news via the popular Lebanese news websites, i.e. Tayar, NaharNet, Lebanes Forces and the alike…

For the Elections 2009 news I found some dedicated websites that you also can use if you’re interested:

  1. LBC News: Parliament Elections 2009
    Includes up to date news, polls,  forum, and an electoral guide for the voters.
  2. El Nashra
    Includes up to date news, polls, electoral maps, and candidates CV’s.
  3. Lebanese Forces
    Includes up to date news, multimedia, in addition to a list of the Lebanese Forces candidates.
  4. Free Patriotic Movement
    Includes up to date news, and a list of all the opposition’s candidates in Lebanon.
  5. Demotix
    A collaborative project delivering news by Lebanese citizen journalists.
  6. Lebanese Ministry of Interior Affairs
    Includes general information for the voters, in addition to a polling stations locator.
  7. Lebanon Files (Thanks to Dania)
    Up to date news on the elections.
  8. Lebanese Elections 2009 (Thanks to Liliane)
    A foreign blogger posting personal analysis and updates on the elections.
  9. Elections LB
    Contains general inf ormation for the voters.

Have you got any more websites that I can add to the list?


Billboards FAIL

Have you seen the latest 14 March billboards in the streets, and in specific the one below?


It really is so obvious now, the Free Patriotic Movement are leading straight in the ads game, while 14 March are breathless behind trying desperatly to catch up. “Sois egale et vote”, they really call that a reply? And in the first place, did the FPM claim in their “Sois belle et vote” ad that women are inferior? Silly meaningless reply, that’s it, period.

What really got on my nerves though is the billboard that says “I think there14 I am”. How do you read that? And what does it mean?!

Photo via Beirut/NTSC


Charbel Khalil and Charles Ayoub

In his show “Basmat Watan”, Charbel Khalil made fun of Charles Ayoub in one of the sketches showing, in an indirect way, that Ayoub’s articles are so bad that one can use them instead of toilet paper. Recall that Charles Ayoub declared his candidacy in Keserwan againt Michael Aoun.

Today, Charles Ayoub replied like a bitch on Khalil’s sketch with an small article on the front page titled “Chabrle Khalil el khara”! And here’s what he wrote:

Link: http://www.journaladdiyar.com/articles.asp?ID=121857&CatID=3

شربل خليل الخرى

بعد التفتيش بالحمض النووي لشربل خليل على مستوى فاريا وحراجل وغيرها، تبيّن ان الحمض النووي يعود لجندي فيدجي خدم في لبنان عند بداية مجيء القوات الدولية وله ذات الحمض الذي ينتمي إليه شربل خليل.

ومن يكون شربل خليل؟ جاهل، أمي، أعطاه بيار الضاهر شاشة، فراح بواسطة الحمض النووي الفيدجي يضحك بعض المشاهدين ويضحكهم بصورته الفيدجية على الشاشة.

امس مات شربل خليل، انتهى عند اللبنانيين وبات دمية تتحرك على شاشة قوية يستعملها كيفما يشاء، لكنه هو صغير وصغير، فانتقل الى رحمة شيطانه وانتهى.

أما القراء فسيستغربون كيف سنطلق عليه كلمة خرى، ففي ذوق مكايل كان يتحدث الناس عن برنامج بسمات وطن، لكنهم لا يعرفونه إلا باسم شربل خرى، وإذا حاولت الدفاع عنه بأن اسمه ليس شربل خرى، فيجيبون أخرى من الخرى، وما استطعنا لاقناع هؤلاء الناس سبيلاً.

المشكلة ان بيار الضاهر يوافق على هذه النوعية، و«الديار» لم تعد مشكلتها مع شربل خليل، وهي التي رفضت نشر دعوى سوء ائتمان ضد بيار الضاهر، بل قالت عنها انها دعوى من سمير جعجع ضد بيار الضاهر.

لم يقابل الضاهر الجميل والحسنى بالحسنى، بل ترك الخرى خرى.

نقول لبيار الضاهر نحن نقرف من الخرى، ونقول لم تعد مشكلتنا مع الوسخ، المشكلة القادمة هي مع بيار الضاهر، فمنذ تحقيق الكنيسة ولجوئه الى «الديار» للدفاع عنه بوجه أخصامه سليمان فرنجية وعصام فارس وصولاً الى يومنا هذا، حيث يواجه جعجع الآن.

بيار الضاهر، انت اقوى من جريدتنا بكثير، ولكن حافظ على مشيختك ومحطتك، لأن المشكلة معك انت في المرة القادمة، ولا يمكنك كصاحب مزرعة ان تفلت كلاباً وتقول لا علاقة لي بهم.

بيار الضاهر نقول لك، رأسك برأسنا وأحد الرؤوس سيطير بالكلام المكتوب او بالسكتش المكتوب.

أما خرى الفيدجي سيبقى خرى.

شربل خليل، لا يعرف والده، ولا يعرف أنه بندوق، لكن نحن نقول لبيار الضاهر تحملنا ما تحملناه فليحل مشاكله مع الآخرين ولينسَ «الديار» لأن «الديار» سكين لا يرحم.


It’s indisputably low, Charbel Khalil did not mention names in the sketch. I was rarely biased in this blog, but in this case I’m gonna go all the way with Charbel Khalil, at least he’s not a bitch that politicians buy and sell whenever they want!

Update (5/16/2009):

I also found this caricature of Charbel Khalil published along with the article.



Lebanese elections billboard wars – 4

Right after the Free Patriotic Movement published this billboard:


The Lebanese Forces replied with this one:


The FPM’s billboard says “The third republic is for sure”, while the Lebanese Forces billboard shows that the third republic’s flag is going to be yellow, i.e. ruled by hizbollah, proving that the FPM are hizbollah’s puppets. More explanation on that can be found here. I liked the LF reply, regardless if it is true or not!

Notice that this Lebanese Forces billboard can also be spotted in Tarik El-Jadida, a Sunni area in Beirut, and I honestly find it ironic. In 2009, 19 years after the Lebanese civil war, the Lebanese Forces are warning the Sunnis from the Shia’s agenda… Fews years ago, the Sunnis of Tarik El-Jadida used to admire Nasrallah and mock Samir Geagea in prison!


Carlos striking back!

Passing by Jounieh Saturday morning, on my way to Tripoli, I encountered this sign.


As you can see, Carlos Edde used the Free Patriotic Movement’s language to strike back at them. Although it is an imitation, but not bad as a start…!


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